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Mobius Game Engine / Home

Mobius Game Engine

The Mobius Game Engine is an customisable open source 3d game engine intended for us in high speed platformers.


Roadmap - as it currently stands

Build Instructions - instructions for downloading, building and running the Mobius Engine on Windows and Linux (and Mac with help in the future).

Wiki features

This wiki uses the Creole syntax, and is fully compatible with the 1.0 specification.

The wiki itself is actually a git repository, which means you can clone it, edit it locally/offline, add images or any other file type, and push it back to us. It will be live immediately.

Go ahead and try:

$ git clone

Wiki pages are normal files, with the .wiki extension. You can edit them locally, as well as creating new ones.

Syntax highlighting

You can also highlight snippets of text, we use the excellent Pygments library.

Here's an example of some Python code:

def wiki_rocks(text):
    formatter = lambda t: "funky"+t
    return formatter(text)

You can check out the source of this page to see how that's done, and make sure to bookmark the vast library of Pygment lexers, we accept the 'short name' or the 'mimetype' of anything in there.

Have fun!
