Home and minus button are not graying out at the correct times

Issue #199 closed
Robert Leach created an issue

When fully zoomed out, the home and minus buttons still appear active.

Comments (9)

  1. Robert Leach reporter

    This appears to have been fixed by resetting the preferences... Hey @TreeView3Dev, this seems like it's the same issue as the contrast issue #202, having to do with outdated preferences. Do you think this is something that we should try and address or should we just list it as some sort of trouble-shooting thing? I could envision this being an issue when 2 users have different versions of the app or when a user tries to open an old file created using an old version. Perhaps we can store the app version with the file so that we can support backwards compatibility (i.e. convert settings when there's a version difference?)? What do you think?

  2. Robert Leach reporter
    • removed version

    Since resetting the preferences eliminates this issue, I don't think this issue needs to be addressed for alpha02.

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