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Core / com.twolivesleft.Codify

Codea under the hood

Apple's user experience guidelines for iOS development explicitly downplay file-handling operations. However, tools independent of Codea, such as Macroplant's iExplorer for OS X or Windows systems or the open source library libimobiledevice for Linux systems, allow you to browse and change the folders and files on an iPad that are otherwise hidden from its users.

The iPad folders and files for Codea, otherwise hidden from its users, are found in a folder Apps/com.twolivesleft.Codify/.

WARNING: Editing, deleting or adding files or folders to this folder or its subfolders may cause Codea to stop working - particularly if this is done while Codea app is running or running in the background. Such activities are not supported by Two Lives Left.

.plist files

The .plist files, or property list files, referred to below are files containing data, either:

  1. XML files, which are human-readable and machine-readable; or
  2. binary format files (which start with the characters "bplist"), which are only machine-readable. Tools independent of Codea, such as VOWSoft, Ltd.'s plist Editor for Windows, can be used to read and edit such files.

The Info.plist and Data.plist files are in XML format and each contain a dictionary (<dict></dict>) of keys (<key></key>) and values. Each key is immediately followed by its value.

The com.twolivesleft.Codify.plist file is in binary format.

Folder com.twolivesleft.Codify includes a subfolder, which contains:

  1. subfolders for items such as Examples, ShaderPacks, SpritePacks and Templates;
  2. subfolder ProbeResources.bundle;
  3. subfolder RuntimeResources.bundle; and
  4. *.lproj subfolders for natural languages such as English (en.lproj).


The subfolder Examples of folder has a subfolder for each of the example programs provided with Codea, such as 3D Lab.codea.

Each .codea folder contains an Info.plist file; if applicable, a Data.plist file; and one or more .lua files (one for each tab in the Codea project).

The dictionary in the Info.plist file has the following keys:

Authora string; the name of the author.
Buffer Orderan array of strings; the names of the tabs, in order.
Createda string or date; the date created.
Descriptiona string; a description of the project.
New<true/> or <false/>; whether or not the example is a new one.
Icona string; the full name of the .png file with the icon for the example project.


The subfolder ShaderPacks of folder has a subfolder for each of the Shader Packs provided with Codea, such as Basic.shaderpack.

Each .shaderpack folder contains an Info.plist file; a subfolder for each shader in the pack, for example Blend Images.shader; and Icon.png and Icon@2x.png files (used in the Codea Shader Lab picker).

The dictionary in the Info.plist file has the following keys:

Descriptiona string; the description of the shaders in the pack.

The Icon.png file is 88 pixels by 88 pixels and, consequently, the Icon@2x.png file is 176 pixels by 176 pixels.

Each .shader subfolder contains an Info.plist file; a Vertex.vsh file (for the vertex shader); and a Fragment.fsh file (for the fragment shader).

The dictionary in the Info.plist file has the following keys:

bindingsa dictionary of the bindings for the shader.


The subfolder SpritePacks of folder has a subfolder for each of the spite packs provided with Codea, such as Planet Cute.spritepack.

Each .spritepack folder contains an Info.plist file; the individual .png files for the sprites; and an Icon.png file and, if applicable, Icon@2x.png file (used in the Codea sprite pack picker).

The dictionary in the Info.plist file has the following keys:

Authora string; the name of the author.
Namea string; the name of the sprite pack.
Linka string; a link such as ''
Icona string; the name of the .png with the icon for the sprite pack
Retina<true/> or <false/>; whether or not the sprite pack supports a retina display

The Icon.png file is 110 pixels by 110 pixels and, consequently, the Icon@2x.png file (if applicable) is 220 pixels by 220 pixels.

Before the addition of custom sprite packs in version 1.4 of Codea, this provided a mechanism for introducing custom sprites into Codea.


The subfolder Templates of folder has a subfolder Default.codea which contains file Main.lua.

The content of Main.lua is the default content that appears in the Main tab when a new project is created in Codea.


The subfolder ProbeResources.bundle of folder contains .yaml files for each of the chapters of the in-app reference, for example Graphics.yaml.


The subfolder RuntimeResources.bundle of folder contains:

  1. Class.lua, which contains the Lua code that implements the default class() function for implementing classes in Codea;
  2. ClassTemplate.lua, which contains the default content that appears in a new tab when a new class is added to a Codea project. The text ClassName in the file is a place-holder that is replaced by the name of the new class chosen in the Editor;
  3. LuaSandbox.lua, which restricts Lua to a limited extent for the purposes of Codea; and
  4. tween.lua, which implements the tween API in Lua.


The subfolder Documents of folder com.twolivesleft.Codify has a subfolder for each of the projects added to Codea. The names of the project folders end with .codea.

Each .codea folder contains an Info.plist file; a Data.plist file; and one or more .lua files (one for each tab in the Codea project).

The dictionary in the Info.plist file has the following keys:

Authora string; the name of the author (by default: 'Unknown').
Buffer Orderan array of strings; the names of the tabs, in order.
Createda string; the date created.
Descriptiona string; a description of the project (by default: 'No description available').

For projects with no Project Data, the Data.plist file contains an empty dictionary (<dict/>). For projects with Project Data, the dictionary lists each key and its associated string value.

The editing of the contents of existing, or the creation of new, .codea folders provides a mechanism for downloading and uploading code into Codea.

The folder Documents also contains a folder Dropbox.spritepack, which itself contains any .png files synchronized using the Dropbox functionality of Codea.


Folder com.twolivesleft.Codify includes a subfolder Library, which contains subfolders for items such as Caches, Cookies and Preferences.


The subfolder Preferences of folder Library contains files including com.twolivesleft.Codify.plist.

The com.twolivesleft.Codify.plist file contains a dictionary including the following keys and values:

For each past or current project, a key of the form Project Name_DATAA dictionary containing the Local Storage for the project in question.
CODEA_GLOBAL_DATA_STOREA dictionary containing the Global Storage for Codea.
AvailableProjectArtA dictionary containing the key "Art" and its value, an array of strings of the names of available Codea project browser art.
EditorThemeA string of the name of the Codea Editor theme.
KeyboardGestureEnabledA boolean.
ProjectArtA string of the name of the Codea project browser art.
