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Core / vec3

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FunctionIconType-Small.png vec3() function


Codea's in-app reference documents most of the vec3() function. The function returns a userdata value that is a vector in three dimensions.

Returning a three dimensional vector

The vec3() function is used to return a new three-dimensional vector value as in the following example:

v1 = vec3(x1, y1, z1)  -- x1, y1, z1 contain numbers for the respective co-ordinates

If any co-ordinates are omitted, then they are assumed to be 0. For example:

print(vec3())     -- Outputs: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
print(vec3(1))    -- Outputs: (1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
print(vec3(1, 2)) -- Outputs: (1.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000)

Setting and getting individual coordinates

Indexing can be used to set and get individual coordinates, either by ordinal number or by letter (x, y, z), as summarised in the table below:

Co-ordinateIndex schemeIndex scheme
Firstv1[1]v1.x or v1["x"]
Secondv1[2]v1.y or v1["y"]
Thirdv1[3]v1.z or v1["z"]


The result of the vec3() function supports the - (uniary), *, /, +, -, and == operators, where the second operand is a number value in the case of * (multiplication by a scalar) and / (division by a scalar).


The result also supports tostring() to produce nicely-formatted output. Consequently, print() also generates nicely-formatted output.

The result of the vec3() function supports the indexed functions dot(), cross(), len(), lenSqr(), dist(), distSqr() and normalize(). For example:

v1 = vec3(1, -1, 3)
v2 = vec3(-2, 5, -3)

-- Calculate the dot (scalar) product of two vectors
d =, v2)       -- This syntax is equivalent ...
d = v1:dot(v2)           -- ... to this syntax, using Lua's colon notation.

-- Calculate the length (magnitude) of first vector
l = v1.len(v1)           -- This syntax is equivalent ...
l = v1:len()             -- ... to this syntax, using Lua's colon notation.
