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Beyond the Codea in-app reference

Further explanation of how Codea works and aspects of the Codea API and Shader Lab (beta) not documented in Codea's in-app reference:

How Codea works

  1. The Codea Editor: Further information about using the Codea Editor.
  2. The Codea Viewer: Further information about the Codea Viewer and its use.
  3. Understanding how Codea executes your code: An explanation on codea structure and why not to attempt to draw or print from the touched function.

The Codea API in Lua

  1. Codea's global variables: Lists of the global variables provided by the Codea API.

ChapterIconGraphics-Small.png Graphics

  1. backingMode() function: Further information about the built-in Codea backingMode() function.
  2. color() function: Further information about the built-in Codea color() function and the userdata value it returns.
  3. fill() function: Further information about the built-in Codea fill() function.
  4. image() function: Further information about the built-in Codea image() function.
  5. line() function: Further information about the built-in Codea line() function.
  6. point() function: Further information about the built-in Codea point() function.
  7. pointSize() function: Further information about the built-in Codea pointSize() function.
  8. pushStyle() function: Further information about the built-in Codea pushStyle() function.
  9. tint() function: Further information about the built-in Codea tint() function.

ChapterIconShaders-Small.png Shaders & Mesh

  1. mesh() function: Further information about the built-in Codea mesh() function and the userdata value that it returns.
  2. triangulate() function: Further information about the built-in Codea triangulate() function.

ChapterIconLua-Small.png Lua

  1. Classes in Lua and Codea: Working with classes in Lua and Codea.
  2. Codea's Lua number type: Information about how Codea implements Lua's number basic type.
  3. Codea's user-defined types: Information about how Codea extends Lua's basic types.
  4. debug.getinfo() function: Further information about the debug.getinfo() function, part of the Lua standard libraries available in Codea.
  5. os.time() function: Further information about Lua's os.time() function and the value that it returns.
  6. print() function: Further information about Lua's print() function.
  7. setInstructionLimit() function: How to change the default limit to avoid the error 'Lua program has exceeded instruction limit'.
  8. string.format() function: Further information about Lua's string.format() function and the rules for the format string.

ChapterIconParameters-Small.png Parameters

  1. iparameter() function: Further information about the built-in Codea iparameter() function.
  2. parameter table: Further information about the built-in Codea parameter table of functions.

ChapterIconPhysics-Small.png Physics

  1. physics.body() function: Further information about the built-in Codea physics.body() function and the userdata value that it returns.

ChapterIconAnimation-Small.png Animation

  1. tween API: Further information about the built-in Codea tween API.

ChapterIconSounds-Small.png Sounds

  1. sound() function: Further information about the built-in Codea sound() function.

ChapterIconDisplay-Small.png Display

  1. BACKSPACE variable: Further information about the built-in Codea BACKSPACE variable.
  2. RETURN variable: Further information about the built-in Codea RETURN variable.

ChapterIconVector-Small.png Vector

  1. matrix() function: Further information about the built-in Codea matrix() function.
  2. rsqrt() function: Further information about the built-in Codea rsqrt() function.
  3. vec2() function: Further information about the built-in Codea vec2() function.
  4. vec3() function: Further information about the built-in Codea vec3() function.
  5. vec4() function: Further information about the built-in Codea vec4() function.

ChapterIconAccelerometer-Small.png Accelerometer

  1. deviceMetrics() function: Further information about the built-in Codea deviceMetrics() function.
  2. UserAcceleration variable: Further information about the built-in Codea UserAcceleration variable.

ChapterIconNetwork-Small.png Network

  1. http.get() function: Information about the deprecated built-in Codea function, replaced by http.request().
  2. openURL() function: Further information about the built-in Codea openURL() function, including its use with the Mail app and emails.

Codea's Shader Lab (beta)

  1. Create a new basic shader: Information about a basic shader.
