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Unity-UI-Extensions / Controls / ScrollConflictManager

Scroll Conflict Manager


Resolves dragging issues with nested Scroll Rect's


1 Overview

2 Properties

3 Methods

4 Usage

5 Demo

6 See also

7 Credits and Donation

8 External links


The Scroll Conflict Manager solves the dragging issue with child Scroll Rect's. Natively, nested Scroll Rect's will only allow scrolling in the direction of a child Scroll Rect. This component solves this problem allowing free movement, locked to the initial direction of the drag.


The properties of the ScrollrectConflictManager control are as follows:

Property Description
Parent Scroll Rect The Rect Transform of the parent Scroll Rect


Method Arguments Description
SetParentScrollRect ScrollRect Resets the parent scroll rect for the manager and re-initializes the dependencies


Simply add the default Scroll Rect Conflict Manager component to an existing Scroll Rect using "UI / Extensions / Scrollrect Conflict Manager" in the "Component" menu, then assign the parent Scroll Rect to the control.

It is also available as a Game Component menu in "UI / Extensions / Scrollrect Conflict Manager".

Video Demo

Click to play

Scroll Rect Conflict Manager Demo

See also

Credits and Donation

Credit srinivas sunil

Sourced from -
