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Unity-UI-Extensions / Controls / UI_MagneticInfiniteScroll



An extension of the InfiniteScroll control that adds a hot spot region to anchor child elements when scrolling finishes.


1 Overview

2 Properties

3 Methods

4 Usage

5 Demo

6 See also

7 Credits and Donation

8 External links


The Magnetic Infinite Scroll Rect script causes content items for a Scroll Rect to loop indefinitely as the user scrolls. When scrolling stops, content is anchored to a defined pivot point

It also allows you determine whether the control starts on awake or via code.


The properties of the Scroll Rect Infinite component are as follows:

Property Description
Init By User Should this activate automatically or only on request.
Pivot The anchor point to stop content at
Max Speed for Magnetic The maximum speed that allows you to activate the magnet to center on the pivot.
Index Start The index of the object which must be initially centered.
Time For Deceleration The time to decelerate and aim to the pivot.


Method Arguments Description
SetNewItems newItems (List of Transform Items) Appends a list of items to the Infinite Scroll child list
SetContentInPivot Index Moves the content to set the selected child in the pivot zone


Requires a configured ScrollRect. Which will be added by default.

Simply add the default Scroll Rect Infinite component to a Scroll Rect using "UI / Extensions / UI Magnetic Infinite Scroll" in the "Component" menu.


See also

Credits and Donation

Credit Febo Zodiaco

Sourced from -
