inconsistent headers for short chapters in frontmatter

Issue #138 resolved
Jörn Hees created an issue

Currently the "List of *" chapters in the frontmatter behave a bit weird: if multiple lists are on one page there is no page header (which i like), however if one list is pushed over to its own page, suddenly a page header appears (which i don't like). Is there a way to make this more consistent like: "hide page headers on first chapter page"?

maybe related: issue #88

I already tried a couple of things and asked for some help, but can't get this to work:

Official response

  • André Miede repo owner

    This is due to a special setup and (dirty) workaround: * By definition, the list-of-xxx are set with an unnumbered chapter-heading (that is why on the first page, there is no page mark, because it is a chapter start page) * The dirty workaround disables the page break that usually precedes every new chapter (this is done to get all the listings together w/o a pagebreak)

    Basically, a \pagestyle{empty} should do the trick, but it does not work in this context (I don't understand why not).

    \markboth{}{} gets rid of the section/list name in the head, but the page number remains.


    After some more experimentation, I found this hack to work:

    In Contents.tex, insert \pagestyle{empty} before the beginning of the group sorrounding the lists:

    % List of Figures and of the Tables
    \pagestyle{empty} % Uncomment this line if your lists should not have any headlines with section name and page number
        % List of Figures

    In ClassicThesis.tex, re-activate scrheadings after Contents.tex

    % Mainmatter

Comments (4)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    This is due to a special setup and (dirty) workaround: * By definition, the list-of-xxx are set with an unnumbered chapter-heading (that is why on the first page, there is no page mark, because it is a chapter start page) * The dirty workaround disables the page break that usually precedes every new chapter (this is done to get all the listings together w/o a pagebreak)

    Basically, a \pagestyle{empty} should do the trick, but it does not work in this context (I don't understand why not).

    \markboth{}{} gets rid of the section/list name in the head, but the page number remains.


    After some more experimentation, I found this hack to work:

    In Contents.tex, insert \pagestyle{empty} before the beginning of the group sorrounding the lists:

    % List of Figures and of the Tables
    \pagestyle{empty} % Uncomment this line if your lists should not have any headlines with section name and page number
        % List of Figures

    In ClassicThesis.tex, re-activate scrheadings after Contents.tex

    % Mainmatter
  2. Jörn Hees reporter

    👍 seem to work, but completely disables the headers instead of just disabling them on the first page... maybe looks more consistent in the end like this though.

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