\spacedlowsmallcaps not applied to unnumbered chapters in TOC

Issue #168 resolved
Anonymous created an issue

The chapter format in TOC is defined by:

% chapters

For numbered TOC entries the chapter titles are correctly printed in \spacedlowsmallcaps font as the \numberline command inserts \cftchapaftersnumb. However, for unnumbered TOC entries (e.g. added via \addchap from the KOMA package or manually added via \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{...}) the \spacedlowsmallcaps font is not used.

To use it consistently, the following should work:


I assume the definition for \cftchapaftersnumb is then no longer required, but I haven't checked.

Comments (4)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    Thanks for your patience and your suggestion, this is an interesting find.

    We came up with an ugly work-around for this a while ago, i.e., \tocEntry´ for example:\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\tocEntry{#1}}%`

    However, your solution seems valid (and better) and even fixed an indentation bug in th ToC (Bibliography).

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