Rationale for disabling hyperfootnotes

Issue #169 resolved
Marco Craveiro created an issue


Thanks very much for a very useful package. I have a small question: in the style, you hard-coded hyperfootnotes=false; is there any reason for this? I manually changed it to true and it all works fine :-)



Comments (5)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    Hi Marco. I believe it's both a design decision (why hyperlink/color something that's on the same page?) and in order not to break stuff - check how many warnings there are about the use of the option at http://mirror.utexas.edu/ctan/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/doc/manual.html, in particular the note on tabularx that might have influenced the decision: "tabularx --- Linked footnotes are not supported inside environment tabularx, because they uses the optional argument of \footnotetext, see section Limitations. Before version 2011/09/28 6.82i hyperref had disabled footnotes entirely by hyperfootnotes=false." (Please, don't forget to send Andre a postcard! :) )

  2. Marco Craveiro reporter

    Ah I see. I guess for printing it doesn't make a lot of sense, but for a PDF its nice to be able to click on footnotes.

    I'll send the postcard as soon as I'm done with the thesis! :-D thanks a lot

  3. André Miede repo owner

    Anyway, this is a good point, thanks! I moved hyperref's hyperfootnotes=false from classicthesis.sty to classicthesis-config.tex in order to facilitate customization in the future.

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