i18n Adjustments

Issue #42 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

I see quite a few places throughout the plugin where we have internationalization setup like this...

_e(' for details on setting up IPN with this URL.');

I'm pretty sure that's incomplete. I think it should be something like this...

_e(' for details on setting up IPN with this URL.', 'paypal-ipn');

On that note, I think we may need to adjust our load_plugin_textdomain() method, too, because based on other plugins I look at I think we might be missing the first parameter, which is the actual textdomain value (ie. paypal-ipn)

I'm not 100% sure on that, but again, just comparing what I see elsewhere.

Comments (8)

  1. jignesh kaila

    Please wait for issue #33, Once I am done with issue #33 than after generate .pot file.

    Now I am done with this issue and push to development branch.

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