Certain Manga (about 40% of them) return a 500 error

Issue #131 resolved
Peter Lejeck created an issue

When we hit /2.1/manga/87820 (as well as 2.2), we get a 500 error, with no detail in the logs except:

[2017-01-24 22:39:01] request.INFO: Matched route "_api2_1_manga". {"route_parameters":{"_controller":"Atarashii\\APIBundle\\Controller\\RecordController::getAction","_format":"json","apiVersion":"2.1","requestType":"manga","id":"86867","_route":"_api2_1_manga"},"request_uri":"http://xxxxx/2.1/manga/86867"} []
[2017-01-24 22:39:02] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception InvalidArgumentException: "The current node list is empty." at /app/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DomCrawler/Crawler.php line 553 {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): The current node list is empty. at /app/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DomCrawler/Crawler.php:553)"} []

When testing all manga endpoints, we had this occur on over 16,000 manga requests, which is roughly 38% of the entire manga database.

We've had similar issues occur on the 2.2 anime endpoints (didn't occur in 2.1), but it was limited to approximately 200 results.

Comments (5)

  1. Michael Johnson

    Can you provide about 10 IDs that fail?

    Also, please keep in mind that API 2.2 is not stable and is not recommended for regular use. You can use it, but it's subject to change until we tag a 2.2.0 release. (We do appreciate bug reports against it though!)

  2. Peter Lejeck reporter

    Sure! Just pulling from our most recent logs (which happens to land squarely in the 55xxx range) during the test run, I see errors for manga 55429, 55251, 55509, 55215, 55505, 55327, 55617, 55325, 55317, 55607, 55315, 55385, 55503, 55501, 55313, and 55193.

  3. Michael Johnson

    It's an issue with the rewritten title parser on the develop branch. I'll have a fix posted tomorrow (it's kinda late here right now).

    This issue isn't present on the stable "master" branch as it's using the older anime and manga parsers.

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