Accept case-insensitive genres on manga to match anime

Issue #143 resolved
Jérôme Ceccato created an issue

When browsing for anime, genres' case is ignored so both of these call do the same: /anime/browse?genres=ACTION /anime/browse?genres=action

However, browsing for manga require properly capitalized genre names: /manga/browse?genres=Action this works

/manga/browse?genres=action this does not work (404)

Manga and anime should both ignore genres' case to keep things consistent.

Comments (1)

  1. Ratan Dhawtal

    Fix case-sensitive genres queries on manga & anime records (Browse)

    Genres was case-sensitive. Manga was using 'Camel' while anime was using 'camel' which made the API inconsistent. Fixes #143

    → <<cset 5b3b16e9c1d5>>

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