Add Support for Cookie Login (For HTML Parsing Pieces)

Issue #15 resolved
Michael Johnson created an issue

For some of the API calls, like anime details with the request to include personal details, we have to scrape the frontend of the MAL site. This means we have to fake a login, which means carrying cookies. This feature needs to be implemented to allow authenticated actions to be done on the front end.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Johnson reporter

    The Guzzle cookie plugin should be used for this.

    Might be best to implement a "CookieAuth" method in the communicator service to keep the functionality clearly defined. As a bonus, we then only authenticate this manner when we absolutely have to. This will reduce network calls for most requests and also speed up responses since it's one less round-trip with the MAL servers.

  2. Michael Johnson reporter

    Add Cookie Login Support

    Create a method that will post a login to MAL to grab the login cookies. This method needs to be called before using fetch or send if the code is using a front-end page that requires a site login. It is not needed for direct MAL API calls that use basic auth.

    Closes #15

    → <<cset 9054a604a678>>

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