Make Friends return proper instances of the Profile object

Issue #30 resolved
Michael Johnson created an issue

When viewing the friends list for a user, the API returns each friend's profile as a modified instance of a profile object. It currently differs from a standard user object in that anime and manga stats are an empty array, not a JSON object. This can cause parsers to have to handle it as a different object, and they can't re-use the same code used for parsing the object when we return a direct profile.

This should, if at all possible, be corrected to return an identical object so parsers can reuse code, and to make our life easier in our own code.

Edit: The object is Profile, not User.

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Johnson reporter

    Fix Profile for Consistency

    Configure the Profile model class to have all the variables in it that it will ever have. This will make the output consistent when being processed.

    Fixes #30

    → <<cset e0a391548e5f>>

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