Page 19 of just_added responds with 503

Issue #48 resolved
Michal Marek created an issue

I'm not sure if this issue is tied to the code or if it's in the live version of the API only:

I'm trying to use the hosted version of the API because it's easier for me to work with (I don't code in Symfony, therefore porting this package would take a good amount of time which I cannot afford to do as of now, especially if I'm using the API for testing purposes at this point).

I'm scanning the MAL database by looping through the pages of just_added, however I fail on page 19, as for some reason, it gives me 503 service unavailable:

This error also exists in v1:

All pages prior to 19 work and pages after 19 work as well, though I didn't test them all.

My guess is that there's a symbol/string that cannot be encoded into JSON (the star comes to mind?).

Could you guys take a look at it and tell me if it's an issue with the API? If it only exists on the target website, feel free to close this issue.

Thanks in advance

Edit: As of today, the pages not working are 20, 74, 75, 89, 92 and 122. 19 shifted to 20, so it's definitely one anime that's causing the issues. I glanced through the other pages on MAL and they all have something in common, that they contain an item with a weird symbol in the name, such as: Azumi Mamma★Mia. I'm not sure if it's the reason, but maybe it might help you guys out with resolving this.

The page for the anime details itself works fine though.

Comments (5)

  1. Michael Johnson

    Hi Michal,

    We handle text in Unicode format, so a star should be just fine (See Lucky☆Star as an example). It looks like a date parsing issue, which is certainly a bug.

    Also, the API endpoint on is NOT intended for public use. It's meant only for the Atarashii application on Android and other approved clients. The server where it runs is paid for out of my own pocket. If you would like to use it in your own application, please contact me (Michael) directly to work out arrangements.

  2. Michael Johnson

    Just Added and Upcoming Date Parsing Fix

    Some titles return an unknown month, but do return year and day (why???) for start and end dates. As day is useless without a month, make sure to only parse and handle the year for these cases.

    Fixes #48

    → <<cset cc686a27b02a>>

  3. Michal Marek reporter

    I'm planning on using my own server for the parser, sorry about that. I'm only using it right now for testing. I might be using it in the future though, because it seems more hassle free, so I'll probably contact you personally :).

    Thanks for the fix!

  4. Michael Johnson

    Testing is okay using that endpoint (please use plain, newapi will be going away), but please do contact me if you plan on using for public clients.

    Also, the fix has been pushed to the server.

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