Replicate Mal routing (into top/popular)

Issue #5 resolved
Ratan Dhawtal created an issue

The routing we are using currently is not the same as the MAL api. This is only at the routing of top/popular lists (manga/anime both).

Currently using: /anime/top/{pagenumber}

This must be according to the unofficial api be: /anime/top?page={pagenumber}

Comments (4)

  1. Ratan Dhawtal reporter

    Fixed the issue, Top/Popular didn't matched the Mal-api router(fixed Issue #5)

    I fixed the issue that Top & popular didn't matched the same url router as the unofficial api.

    This is resolved by the following methode: I Made a universal controller for the Anime/Manga section (/anime/{page} & /manga/{page}). Those are redirected to Listcontroller.php which decides the list you want.

    Listcontroller.php: Listcontroller get the $page from the router (This is without the pagenumber we requested). the $page string contains data: the list type which we requested. We are using a If ... contains methode to get the list we requested following by a code which gets our pagenumber ($_GET['page']) After the listcontroller got these details it is passing to the right controller within the same class.

    → <<cset 6d688c026383>>

  2. Ratan Dhawtal reporter

    Replicated Mal-api routing for Search/Top/Popular (Fixes #5).

    In this commit we have fixed the router(Top/Popular) from: /anime/[list]/[number] to /anime/[list]?page=[number]

    The search api is using a diffrent routing that also has been fixed. /anime/search/[number] to /anime/search?q=[query]

    I used symfony for this fix. See the changed files.

    → <<cset 2f0b7ab04a99>>

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