History method returns "not-found" error.

Issue #54 resolved
Toco Toucan created an issue

History method returns "not-found" error on some users.

I called this method for me and my friendlist using two different api instances which are deployed on different web servers(AFAIK Azure = Windows Server+IIS):

TocoToucan - ok

http://myanimelistrt.azurewebsites.net/2/history/tocotoucan http://api.atarashiiapp.com/2/history/tocotoucan

MyanimelistRT - ok

http://myanimelistrt.azurewebsites.net/2/history/myanimelistrt http://api.atarashiiapp.com/2/history/myanimelistrt

TheTankoO - not-found

http://myanimelistrt.azurewebsites.net/2/history/thetankoo http://api.atarashiiapp.com/2/history/thetankoo

Revolver__Ocelot - not-found

http://myanimelistrt.azurewebsites.net/2/history/revolver__ocelot http://api.atarashiiapp.com/2/history/revolver__ocelot

Comments (4)

  1. Ratan Dhawtal

    sorry for the late reply, I saw the issue but couldn't find time to reply.

    it seems that the users get those messages only when there isn't a single history item. I will fix it tomorrow ^^

  2. Toco Toucan reporter

    On MAL website these users have history entries. I guess this behaviour may be related to date. (my accounts have recent entries, but my friends don't)

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