Top List Doesn't Return Manga for Manga Queries

Issue #7 resolved
Michael Johnson created an issue

Right now, top searches return an anime object when searching for manga. This needs to be changed to a manga object.

Comments (3)

  1. Ratan Dhawtal

    First import manga.

    use Atarashii\APIBundle\Model\Manga;

    Add this line, It will decide which object it must take.

    if (strpos($typeserie,'Anime') !== false){
        $details = new Anime();
        $details = new Manga();
  2. Michael Johnson reporter

    Not the only change that needs to be made. Also need to account for episodes vs volumes. Don't worry, I'll work on it.

  3. Michael Johnson reporter

    Merged Top and Popular

    Popular is really just a different sorting of the top list. Merge the controllers and use the same parser for both, since it’s the exact same HTML. This makes the code much easier to maintain.

    By virtue of the combining, this fixes #7

    → <<cset 6903ea084f26>>

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