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jgit-flow / goals / release-start

Release Start

Full name: com.atlassian.maven.plugins:maven-jgitflow-plugin:1.0-m4:release-start

Short name: jgitflow:release-start

Description: Prepares the project for a release. Creates a release branch and updates pom(s) with the release version.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Executes as an aggregator plugin.


allowSnapshotsbooleanWhether to allow SNAPSHOT dependencies. Default is to fail when finding any SNAPSHOT.
Default value is: false
User property is: allowSnapshots
allowUntrackedbooleanWhether to allow untracked files when checking if the working tree is clean.
Default value is: false.
User property is: allowUntracked.
autoVersionSubmodulesbooleanWhether to automatically assign submodules the parent version. If set to false, the user will be prompted for the version of each submodules.
Default value is: false.
User property is: autoVersionSubmodules.
defaultOriginUrlStringDefault url to use if origin remote is not found in .git/config.
User property is: defaultOriginUrl.
developmentVersionStringDefault development version to use following the start of the release.
User property is: developmentVersion.
enableSshAgentbooleanWhether to enable using an ssh-agent.
Default value is: false.
User property is: enableSshAgent.
flowInitContextFlowInitContextUsed to override default git-flow branch names and prefixes
pushReleasesbooleanWhether to push release branches to the remote upstream.
Default value is: false.
User property is: pushReleases.
releaseBranchVersionSuffixStringSuffix to append to versions on the release branch.
User property is: releaseBranchVersionSuffix.
releaseVersionStringDefault version to use when starting a release.
User property is: releaseVersion.
scmCommentPrefixStringThe message prefix to use for all SCM changes.
Default value is: ""
User property is: scmCommentPrefix.
startCommitStringA SHA, short SHA, or branch name to use as the starting point for the new branch
User property is: startCommit.
updateDependenciesbooleanWhether, for modules which refer to each other within the same multi-module build, to update dependencies version to the release version.
Default value is: true.
User property is: updateDependencies.
usernameStringSets the username for the CredentialsProvider.
Default value is: "".
passwordStringSets the password for the CredentialsProvider.
Default value is: "".

Parameter Details


Whether to allow SNAPSHOT dependencies. Default is to fail when finding any SNAPSHOT.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • User Property: allowSnapshots
  • Default: false


Whether to allow untracked files when checking if the working tree is clean.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • User Property: allowUntracked
  • Default: false


Whether to automatically assign submodules the parent version. If set to false, the user will be prompted for the version of each submodules.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • User Property: autoVersionSubmodules
  • Default: false


Default url to use if origin remote is not found in .git/config.

This can be any acceptable git url that you would normally put in .git/config

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: no
  • User Property: defaultOriginUrl


Whether to enable using an ssh-agent

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • User Property: enableSshAgent
  • Default: false


  • Type: com.atlassian.maven.plugins.jgitflow.FlowInitContext
  • Required: no
  • Default: ${flowInitContext}

Object Properties

masterBranchNameStringThe name of the master branch.
Default value is: master
developBranchNameStringThe name of the development branch.
Default value is: develop
featureBranchPrefixStringThe prefix for feature branches
Default value is: feature/
releaseBranchPrefixStringThe prefix for release branches
Default value is: release/
hotfixBranchPrefixStringThe prefix for hotfix branches
Default value is: hotfix/
versionTagPrefixStringThe prefix for release tags
Default value is: (blank)


Whether to push release branches to the remote upstream.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • User Property: pushReleases
  • Default: false


Suffix to append to versions on the release branch.

For example if the releaseBranchVersionSuffix is set to "RC", the version on the release branch would look like: 1.0-RC-SNAPSHOT

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: no
  • User Property: releaseBranchVersionSuffix


Default version to use when starting a release.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: no
  • User Property: releaseVersion


The message prefix to use for all SCM changes. Will be appended as is. e.g. getScmMessagePrefix() + the_message;

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: no
  • User Property: scmCommentPrefix
  • Default: "" (no prefix)


A SHA, short SHA, or branch name to use as the starting point for the new branch

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: no
  • User Property: startCommit


Whether to update dependencies version to the release version.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • User Property: updateDependencies
  • Default: true
