EMP effect 'pulsed' is lasting forever, and sleeping on a bedroll breaks the game

Issue #3715 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello there!

I used an EMP grenade mark 3 on an enemy, and I caught myself in the blast and all my items are now 'pulsed' and have been ever since. I've travelled across the map, waited, and other stuff. Not sure if it's a bug but seems broken and as best I can tell the EMP pusled effect is supposed to be temporary.

More critically game breaking is that when I sleep in a bedroll the game effectively crashes - the app keeps running, and the music plays on, but otherwise it locks up. I can't access any menus or quit, requires force closing the app. On a second attempt at sleeping in the bedroll, I let it ride for a while and eventually got a message saying I was 'famished', but after confirming the game was still locked up.

This suggests to me that something to do with time or durations is bugged in the recent patch.

Caves of Qud is amazing, thank you for maintaining it and bringing out patches on Fridays. It inspired me to start making my own Roguelike project. <3



Comments (5)

  1. Xeno

    Sigh - I just got finshed reporting exacly these 2 items in other bug reports! πŸ˜…

    I can confirm that the bedroll sleep issue is independent of the EMP issue - FYI these both have saves to allow these issue to be checked quickly (and in case it was specific to older characters - i.e. pre friday update)

    EMP - https://bitbucket.org/bbucklew/cavesofqud-public-issue-tracker/issues/3717/emp-will-not-wear-off-disabling-all

    Sleeping - https://bitbucket.org/bbucklew/cavesofqud-public-issue-tracker/issues/3716/sleeping-in-bedroll-will-not-end-and-locks

  2. Zack Livestone

    Ah okay, thanks for explaining! I have not posted here before, I suppose I should have checked about to see if it had been reported already >.>

  3. Xeno

    Oh please don't apologise if you look at the bug issue numbers mine went in after yours!!

    I started them before you posted yours and only noticed your bug report after you had finished adding it and I had just posted mine, I took rather too long putting them together πŸ˜…

    And I should note that these were also my first bug reports here as well! πŸ˜‰

    The mods can merge or mark as duplicate what ever ones they decide to… along with the 2 new EMP bug reposrt that were cross posted from discord πŸ˜‹

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