Ability to send a test email to verify email configuration and test content of the message

Issue #13 resolved
Renato Alves created an issue

As far as I could tell there is no option to send a test email to confirm that notifications are going to work when an item is queued.

I therefore suggest that a "send test email" button is added to the "Email notification" section, next to the "Add/Edit/Delete message" buttons, making use of the above list to select the notifications to test.

This way one should be able not only to test that the server is properly configured but also that the message will contain the desired information.


Comments (5)

  1. Renato Alves reporter

    Hi bendikro,

    Thanks for the information, I didn't find it mentioned in the documentation. However, when I tried it, the email was sent from the machine running the deluge-gtk client and not from the one running deluge-server. The email server is configured as "localhost:25".

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