Poor failure behavior for tests with RANKS=1

Issue #501 resolved
Paul Hargrove created an issue

If one runs make dev-check-debug RANKS=1 NETWORKS=smp, the results include the following three failures and their -par- equivalents:

Running test-nebr_exchange-seq-debug-smp
*** FATAL ERROR (proc 0):
rerun the program with GASNET_FREEZE_ON_ERROR=1 in the environment.
*** Caught a fatal signal (proc 0): SIGABRT(6)
FAILED (exitcode=134)

Running test-put_flood-seq-debug-smp
*** FATAL ERROR (proc 0):
rerun the program with GASNET_FREEZE_ON_ERROR=1 in the environment.
*** Caught a fatal signal (proc 0): SIGABRT(6)
FAILED (exitcode=134)

Running test-copy-par-debug-smp
*** FATAL ERROR (proc 0):
rerun the program with GASNET_FREEZE_ON_ERROR=1 in the environment.
*** Caught a fatal signal (proc 0): SIGABRT(6)
FAILED (exitcode=134)

I have confirmed that in all three cases failures are due to checks such as the following from test/copy.cpp:

  UPCXX_ASSERT_ALWAYS(upcxx::rank_n() >= 2, "Set ranks>=2 please.");`  

The "polite" way for such tests to fail is illustrated in test/rput-cover.cpp:

  if (ranks > 1 && ranks % 2) {
    print_test_skipped("test requires unary or even rank count");
    return 0;

There may be similar "ugly" failure modes for codes in the extras (or guide?). While those do run in nightly regression testing, I consider them out-of-scope for this issue in which I want to focus just on the tests and example to appear in the release.

Comments (5)

  1. Paul Hargrove reporter
    • changed status to open

    I anticipate addressing this in time for the "code freeze" (Sep 22) and not for the "feature freeze" (Sep 15). However, I am entering this issue now for tracking/planning purposes.

  2. Dan Bonachea

    Merge pull request #425 into develop

    • issue501-single-rank-tests: Update ChangeLog ChangeLog: Create new pending section test/view: Fix a subtle memory leak seen in single-rank runs test/view: Add a sched_yield Fix issue #501: Poor failure behavior for tests with RANKS=1 Fix issue #539: PG: dmap-quiescence-test hangs with one process

    → <<cset 3378a7878e78>>

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