PG: dmap-quiescence-test hangs with one process

Issue #539 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

The dmap-quiescence-test example presented in Ch 8 has a subtle defect. Specifically, the quiescence loop currently lacks a call that guarantees user-level progress, which means that under "pathological" conditions this loop can livelock. This condition arises with high probability on many systems when running with a single rank (although it might vary due to GASNet implementation details), causing a single rank to livelock.

The fix is to add an explicit call to upcxx::progress() in the loop.

Comments (2)

  1. Dan Bonachea reporter

    Merge pull request #425 into develop

    • issue501-single-rank-tests: Update ChangeLog ChangeLog: Create new pending section test/view: Fix a subtle memory leak seen in single-rank runs test/view: Add a sched_yield Fix issue #501: Poor failure behavior for tests with RANKS=1 Fix issue #539: PG: dmap-quiescence-test hangs with one process

    → <<cset 3378a7878e78>>

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