Delete in Movie Player can stop/delete the wrong recording

Issue #405 resolved
prl created an issue

This problem can be most reliably replicated if MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Composition of recording filenames is set to "Short filenames". If the setting is "standard" the problem only occurs if the two programs are started within the same clock minute.

If two overlapping timers are set on the same program and are both running, if the one that started first is stopped using RED Delete>Stop recording, the recording stops. If you press RED Delete again on the same recording, instead of deleting the recording, the Recording in progress popup is shown. If you select Stop recording again on the recording that was stopped (the first to start recording), the recording that started second is stopped, even though it was not selected. If you select Stop recording and delete, the recording that started first (the one selected) is deleted, but the one that started second is also stopped, even though it was not selected.

Because of Bug #404, after each step you need to navigate to a different folder and back in order to see the recording state icon change to reflect the actual recording status.

This problem is most likely to happen in practice if MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Composition of recording filenames is set to "Short filenames", there are concurrent recordings of back-to-back episodes of the same program because of padding, and the user stops the first recording and then tries to delete it in a second step.

Replication steps

Set MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Composition of recording filenames is set to "Short filenames".

Start two timers, starting at least a minute apart, recording from the same program. Wait until they have both started.

Open the Movie Player (MEDIA from live TV) and navigate to the recording that started first of the two. Press RED Delete - the Recording in progress popup is shown. Select Stop recording.

Navigate to another folder, then back to the same recording in the original folder. It should show the recording status as green.

Press RED Delete again on the same (already stopped) recording - the Recording in progress popup is shown. Select Stop recording.

Navigate away to another folder, and then back. The recording that started second has been stopped, even though the focus for the Delete was on the older recording of the two.

Repeat, but in the second RED Delete operation, select Stop recording and delete. The older recording (the one in focus) is deleted, but the recording that started second is also stopped, even though it was int the focus of the operation.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #405: Delete in Movie Player can stop/delete the wrong recording

    The problem was caused because if two recordings had the Name in the timer, they would be named as "<timecode> <recname>" and "<timecode> <recname>_1".

    If rec_filename was "<timecode> <recname>", and there were recording files "<timecode> <recname>.ts" and "<timecode> <recname>_1.ts" with the same <timecode> and <recname>, the he test in MovieSelection.delete() "rec_filename in timer.Filename" would succeed for both files.

    When MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Composition of recording filenames is set to "Short filenames", <timecode> is just the date, so this problem is much more likely to occur with that setting.

    → <<cset 876c46a483a4>>

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