Channel change from EPG called from MoviePlayer plays live TV in the MoviePlayer

Issue #554 resolved
prl created an issue

If the EPG is opened when media or a recording is being played, and then live TV is entered by using Zap+Exit channel change in the EPG entered from the MoviePlayer, the channel is shown as live TV, but still under the control of the MoviePlayer, wne it should return to InfoBar live TV.

Note that this bug is specific to selecting the channel with the Zap+Exit (long-OK) action. Using short-OK (Zap) causes a different bug (see bug #553), but when this bug is fixed, the Zap+Exit behaviour becomes that of bug #553.

Replication steps

Assumes the default OK button (short) -> Zap and OK button (long) -> Zap+Exit settings of EPG, MENU.

From live TV, verify that timeshift is operating, then return to live TV.

MEDIA, navigate to a recording, OK to play.

While the recording/media is playing, EPG to open the EPG, and then navigate to any channel and longOK to zap to it and exit the EPG.

Live TV is entered, but under the control of MoviePlayer. Press OK to show the infobar - the simpler MoviePlayer infobar is shown not the normal live TV infobar.

STOP returns to the media browser screen, and normal function.

Comments (3)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #554: Channel change from EPG called from MoviePlayer plays live TV in the MoviePlayer


    In EPGSelection.zap() use 'close' as the parameter to self.close() instead of True. This closes the MoviePlayer and returns control to InfoBar, as in EPGSelection.zapTo().

    This means that when long-OK (Zap+Exit) is used in the EPG from Movie player, bug #554 is fixed, but now both the short-OK (Zap) and long-OK (Zap+Exit) paths out of MoviePlayer via the EPG suffer from bug #553.

    → <<cset 25c7129e61d9>>

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