Gaps in IceTV EPG

Issue #603 resolved
prl created an issue

There has been a longstanding issue of occasional gaps showing in the IceTV EPG on Beyonwiz and not on other devices using the new IceTV servers.

It boils down to the Birthday Problem (and is similar to the Birthday Attack) (see, for example, on Wikipedia)

The Beyonwiz EPG is in DVB EIT format, and allows only 16 bits (strictly a subrange of that, from 0x0001-0xfff7) for event ids. IceTV uses much larger event ids, 11 decimal digits. To reduce the range of the IceTV event ids, the Beyonwiz IceTV plugin reduces the event id range with:

eit_id = icetv_id % 0xfff7 + 1

With a 16-bit hash used to reduce the IceTV event ids to EIT event id size, and about 200 events/channel in the EPG (the problem only occurs when the same short event id is used for two different programs on the same channel), there's about a 25% probability that at least two different events will have the same hash, if the hashes are uniformly distributed.

When a collision occurs, the event already in the EPG with that EIT event id is removed, and the event that collided is added to the EPG. The EPG allows lookup of an event by its EIT event id, so multiple events with the same EIT event id can't co-exist in the EPG.

The IceTV event ids are not uniformly distributed, they tend to run in sequences, and the simple modulo hash used in the Beyonwiz IceTV plugin tends to preserve those sequences (e.g, a modulo 10 hash of 25, 26, 27 will be 5, 6, 7; even a prime modulo of 11 will preserve the run - 3, 4, 5). That means that the collisions tend to cluster: if one collision occurs in a channel, there's a fairly high probability that a run of several collisions will occur, and that removes a block of entries from the EPG on the Beyonwiz side, even though all the data has been correctly sent and received. However, there seems to be about the same overall probability that collisions occur as in the uniform distribution case.

I have experimented with re-hashing the IceTV event id to remove runs (e.g. by using the IceTV event id's MD5 hash) before reducing it by the modulo hash. That stops blocks of missing entries in the EPG from happening, but it doesn't significantly change the total number of collisions and missing entries in the EPG. They're just scattered over more channels and are less obtrusive.

The problem can be fixed by avoiding assigning colliding hashes. That can be done either on the IceTV server side by avoiding assigning ids that hash to the same Beyonwiz hash as some other id in the current EPG, or on the Beyonwiz side by detecting and re-hashing collisions.

Replication steps

The problem can normally only be seen by manually checking the IceTV EPG on the Beyonwiz looking for missing shows. There are no messages in the debug logs that correspond to this problem. If EPG_DEBUG is enabled in lib/dvb/epgcache.cpp, then the log can be checked for "[EPGC] removing event" messages on events that should not be removed.

I have also checked the problem against IceTV EPG dumps provided to me by Daniel Hall at IceTV using a Python script to find and report on event id hash collisions.

I can attach the data and script if anyone wishes to double-check.

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #603: Gaps in IceTV EPG


    Add getEventFromEPGId() method to fetch the event for the timer's event id (or an event id argument), and use that in setting the event information when initialising the timer if the event id is supplied when creating the timer.


    Update version string.


    In EPGFetcher.makeChanShowMap(), use the IceTV eit_id as the event id in preference to API.showIdToEventId(show["id"])

    In EPGFetcher.putTimer() & postTimer() supply the timer's event id to the timer being sent to IceTV.

    In EPGFetcher.processTimers() prefer the event returned by RecordTimerEntry.getEventFromEPGId() over RecordTimerEntry.getEventFromEPG() to get a more reliable fetch of the timer's event id and description. Use the event id as a new argument to EPGFetcher.updateTimer() since the update timer's eit must match the timer's eit_id on IceTV. Also supply the event id to the creation of a new timer.

    In EPGFetcher.onTimerChanged(), if the timer already has a valid ice_timer_id, delete the IceTV-side timer and re-create it, because IceTV does not permit the eit_id of an existing timer to be changed (and at this point in the code, there's no simple way to find whether eit_id has changed).

    Add an eit argument to EPGFetcher.updateTimer() in case the eit_id of the timer on IceTV has changed (Daniel Hall has told me that that can happen, even though the Beyonwiz side can't change the eit_id of a timer on the IceTV side).

    The changes to use the event id to search the EPG instead of the event times (using RecordTimerEntry.getEventFromEPGId() instead of RecordTimerEntry.getEventFromEPG()) helps reduce the incidence of Bug #174.

    → <<cset 576dc34ccc5b>>

  2. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Issue #23: Fill in timer name from EPG

    Also set a sensible event id in the timer from the EPG.

    Setting an appropriate event is a major motivation for this change, to support changes made in the IceTV plugin to fix Bug #603: Gaps in IceTV EPG. This fix in the event id will also mean that if the timer times are changed to a different event, the Change Timer menu should be available on (one of) the events highlighted as part of the recording.

    In TimerEntry, add methods getEventInfo(), updateEventInfo(), nameInfoUpdated() and descriptionInfoUpdated().

    Call them appropriately from notifiers on config items tha affect when the timer runs, or when the name or description is changed by the user.

    User-entered description and name entries over-ride automatic updating from the EPG.

    → <<cset b8bd55de2851>>

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