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BibSonomy / development / SetupAdvanced

Advanced Setup

This guide covers more detail on setting up your dev environment.

Sysdeo DevLoader

The SysDeo plug-in provides the possibility to use a Dev Classloader which will make rebuilding the submodules and executing 'war:inplace' unnecessary. It preferrably loads the classes from the 'target/classes' folder of the submodules.

You will need a special classloader, which is contained by 'tools-dzo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar' (the pre-configured Tomcat). You can activate it via the Tomcat setttings in the bibsonomy-webapp submodule. At least check the 'target/classes' folder of the webapp project. Additionally, you may activate any project that you work on.

configuration of the devloader


  • Modifications in classes will most of the time be instantly accessible.
  • Modifications of .xml files require a Tomcat restart
  • The projects may not contain any build errors in Eclipse!

Your context-xml (most probably named .xml) should now contain the following entry:

<Loader className="org.apache.catalina.loader.DevLoader" reloadable="true" debug="1" useSystemClassLoaderAsParent="false" />

Upload of documents and CV pictures

If you want to include documents (PDFs, PSs ..) in publications / upload pictures for your CV page, you have to configure the following: This is optional and should only be configured if necessary! The shell script creates the necessary folders. You can create them in any directory you like. Afterwards, overwrite the correct paths in the configuration by setting


Do not forget to refresh and restart the Tomcat in Eclipse.

and also the authors list (/author/<AUTHOR>) is run by Elasticsearch.

You can either use your own Elasticsearch or use the Elasticsearch of our test system.

To use the Elasticsearch of our test system set the following properties: = =
search.update.enabled = false

qrcode - The QR Code Renderer

To run test (e.g. using mvn install) on the submodule bibsonomy-qrcode (e.g. when running mvn install in the project's root directory) the library is needed. Using Linux do:

  • install libfreetype
  • link the libfreetype library in /usr/lib, e.g.:
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo chmod a+xrw
