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BibSonomy / development / modules / Configuration


How to configure BibSonomy/PUMA? There are two configuration files: the context.xml and the


The context.xml file holds - optionally - the location of the configuration file

Find an example database configuration on the Setup page.

Config Location

To override the BibSonomy configuration properties you can put a properties file somewhere convenient and specify its location in the context.xml like this:

<Parameter name="config.location" value="/path/to/properties/" type="java.lang.String" override="false" />

BibSonomy comes with a standard configuration in bibsonomy-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ It contains properties like the database connections, location of documents and preview images, the theme, some keys, etc. The default values are those that developers need to override as little as possible. However, to change some properties in your system, please do not edit the directly, but rather override them in another property file: Just put a new file somewhere (outside the workspace, e.g., in your home folder) and define the location in the context.xml. In that new file you can then set those properties that you want to change, e.g., to set the project.home variable to http://localhost:8080/ just put the line

project.home = http://localhost:8080/

in that file.
