Wiki additions

Just this weekend we rolled out some exciting new changes, wiki-wize. 3 brand new things, actually!

1. /help/ is now a wiki

Yep. And it’s editable by anyone, so feel free to contribute! Anything you think might benefit others will do.

2. Wikis are globally editable

That means you no longer have to be a writer of a repository to be able to edit its wiki. All that is required is that you’re logged into Bitbucket.

Sounds kinda scary, but we’re trying it and we’ll see how it goes. Since you need an account, if anyone messes up your wiki, you can always see who it was.

3. The new “Table Of Contents” macro

This is something a lot of people have asked for, and we think we’ve delivered! The new macro allows you to generate a TOC for your page, but it goes way beyond that.

It can also generate TOCs for other files, or even a directory of files. On top of that, it takes an optional argument indicating how many header-levels it should include.

So <<toc>> works, but so does <<toc FAQ/>>, <<toc OtherPage/MaybeInSubDir>> and <<toc FAQ/ 2>>!

This is how we construct the FAQ section on

The wiki there is itself a repository, so in case you want an offline copy, or your own fork, go for it.