Fixing error in 2.4 example

Issue #9 resolved
Rocio Nunez created an issue

In example 2.4 Minion found and adapter sequence that matches with an biological sequence returning:

Your sequence is mapped to the following genomic Coordinates : [4:3160371-3160531;-], identity:100.0%, score:25 Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at lib/CbBio/RNASeq/ line 1616, <FILE> line 153. So, returning : MINION ERROR :: None of the minion predictions (total : 8) were valid Closing

It is necessary change the die in order to the process can continue.

Comments (3)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    But the problem is not the biological sequence … is related to : MINION ERROR :: None of the minion predictions (total : 8) were valid

  2. Rocio Nunez reporter

    Obviously, maybe with the whole dataset Minion will find the correct adapter sequence. However, to avoid future problems when there is no adapter sequence available for cutadapt analysis, the analysis should continue without removing any adapter and show a warning message on screen.

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