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Apocalypse Girls

(name subject to change, many things subject to change)

a roleplaying game about bright, cute magical girls fighting against the darkness


Character Creation


  • The Fool (inspiring others through their pluckiness, pulling through when all seems lost, making others feel welcome and safe)
  • The Magician (analyzing the situation, coming up with unorthodox solutions, confusing the enemy)
  • The High Priestess (communing with spirits and animals,
  • The Empress (comforting others, thinking ahead, ???)
  • Justice (fighting the good fight, protecting others, holding on to one's convictions)
  • The Chariot (physical prowess, no clue what else???)
  • Strength (kicking ass, making friends while kicking ass, protecting others)
  • The Star (motivating their friends, eroding their enemies' conviction, hugging it out)
  • The Sun (being an exemplar that inspires others, never giving up, ???)
  • The Moon (staying calm when things are terrible, finding practical solutions, bringin' the hurt)
  • The Devil (spreading fear and doubt, fighting viciously for what they want, bringing out the worst in people)
  • The Wheel of Fortune (providing their magical friends with support, keeping things in perspective, reminding their magical friends what they're fighting for)

(too many playbooks? not enough playbooks?)


compare/contrast: Hx, strings, etc.; everything is friendship even if you hate each other

