Display several types of alerts

Issue #175 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

User can select the type of alert and display the alert using the default bootstrap colours and icon.

Comments (5)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    This is a nice idea, does it refer to the top alert in the header? If so I am also going to add a "dismis" feature to that alert as outlined in #179

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    Yes. Display the same alerts that Bootstrap use: success, warning, info and danger.

    They could be: Announcement, Warning, Info and Emergency.

  3. Info 3bits reporter

    I created 3 different alerts: Global, Admins and Users

    Global: Displayed for all the users even if not logged in Admins: Displayed only for admins Users: Displayed for all the logged users (admins, teachers and students)

    The type of alerts are: Info (blue), Warning (yellow) and Announcements (green)

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