php errors after install

Issue #273 resolved
Simon Rediss-Whitfield created an issue

I have just installed this theme onto 3.0 and with normal debugging turned on these errors were displayed

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$enablealert1 in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 108

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$alerttext1 in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 109 Messages Admin User

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$socialtarget in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 512

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$socialiconlist in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 513

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 519

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 521

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 523 Home Dashboard Events My Courses

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$toolsmenuscount in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 806 Hide blocks Standard view

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$enabletickermy in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 542

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$enabletickermy in C:\Users\simonrw\Desktop\Test Site\server\moodle\theme\adaptable\renderers.php on line 590

Comments (13)

  1. Malcolm Hay

    We have had this same error in our testing at Unitec, NZ in preparation for our upgrade to Moodle 3.02. It occurs for us when the theme is changed multiple times.

  2. Malcolm Hay

    Hi Jeremy,

    Our error message was pretty much identical to the one I commented on. We were able to replicate it by changing themes more than once. I have passed the link on to our backend Guru and we will keep you informed.

    Thanks for the quick response.

    Regards, Malcolm

  3. Malcolm Hay

    Hi Jeremy,

    Yong has been testing the build from the link you sent us. The error message still comes as per the screenshot below.

    Essentially, this arises when we change themes from Adaptable to another theme (in this case Academi) and then back again. We have replicated this more than once.

    Secondly, the slider on the landing page does not appear to be working in this build.

  4. Malcolm Hay

    Hi Jeremy,

    Ignoring the colours - we are still working on that one - The right-hand side of the title bar seems to be reserved for the search box even when not active. This results in truncated course names for courses with long titles even when there appears to be room for the full title. Any suggestions on how we might overcome that one so that the full name could be displayed?

    Regards, Malcolm

  5. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Malcom,

    That space is either used for social icons (which can be used for other things) or the search box. There is not an option to disable it completely and give the space over to the title. I just opened another issue #335 to look at that.

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