Missed region-frnt-market-a string when editing an HTML block

Issue #366 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Invalid get_string() identifier: 'region-frnt-market-a' or component 'theme_bootstrapbase'. Perhaps you are missing $string['region-frnt-market-a'] = ''; in /var/www/html/adaptable/theme/bootstrapbase/lang/en/theme_bootstrapbase.php?

Comments (8)

  1. Info 3bits reporter

    All the string from $string['region-frnt-market-a'] to $string['region-frnt-market-t'] are missed.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins
    • changed status to open

    Where are these strings actually called / used in the code? They are built and accessed using a loop. If lack of strings is causing a problem we could we not just alter that loop to pull a single string or are these required for some display purpose?

  3. Info 3bits reporter

    I verified the code and are not used. But got this error. If you can fix the loop the strings are located at the top of the lang file

  4. Info 3bits reporter

    The issue was solved adding the strings. I agree that is a moodle issue that try to get all the defined regions to locate the block. Look at the error indicated above because moodle try to add the string even from bootstrapbase.

  5. Jeremy Hopkins

    I managed to work around that issue but we will still need the language strings for the front page blocks, without the strings it will throw the same warning you saw previously.

    The change I added to remove frontpage block regions from block was committed against #375

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    This issue has been resolved by adding strings into the lang pack and also with a check in the config file made in #375 which "should" only load block regions on the front page. I have been told there can be issues with caching on this but have not had a problem so far with it.

    There is a slight problem with this in that it can show a warning when using URL switching between different themes. I tried to remedy this by checking if the object was set before trying to check it but for some reason it would not work. This change was in the previous release made a week or two back and thus far no one has reported any issues.

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