Investigate issues with mobile view in iPad

Issue #709 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Using iPad devices the dropdown menus are not working well.

Probably related with #608

Comments (6)

  1. Manoj Solanki

    Tested on iPad mini. In wide, landscape mode, clicking on My Courses displays the sub-menu but will also automatically go to the dashboard page and not give you a chance to click any sub-menu link underneath My Courses. You have to be quick! I think this is because the "My Courses" menu button is a link. The "This course" menu option (when in a course) doesn't have this problem because it is not a link and when clicking this, it will display sub-menu items with no issue and let you click one of them as expected.

    When using iPad mini in portrait mode, the mobile menu isn't working properly in terms of any sub-menus (My courses or This course wouldn't show sub menu options). Also found this on my mobile. So I believe this is also a wider issue that needs resolving.

    So to clarify, the two issues I've found above, are wider issues and not just for iPads.

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