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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ThumbNode2DPoint

2D Point Node

2D point nodes can be generated in different ways:

Choosing Import 2D Points will open a file chooser, where one file can be selected for import to Barista. The expected file structure of a 2D point file is either Label X Y (without sigmas) or Label X Y SigmaX SigmaY (with sigmas). Image coordinate measurement will create a 2D point node and add it to the according image if not existing yet. If a 2D point node already exists, image coordinate measurements will be added to the existing 2D point node. 3D to 2D with RPC or Affine (see 3D Point node) will also create a 2D point node and add it to the according image node. These 2D point nodes are projected points and are not measured image coordinates!

Caution: An image node might have several 2D point nodes, one containing the measured image coordinates (node name is the import file name or '2DPoints'), one containing the projected points (node name '3Dto2DwithRPC' or '3Dto2DwithAffine'), one containing image coordinate residuals from a bundle adjustment, one containing the image coordinates of monoplotted points measured in that image (node name 'MonoPlotted Points'), or a set of differenced image coordinates. For Bundle adjustments and single image orientation, only the measured 2D points are used. The other 2D points are only for data analysis purposes!

After 2D point measurement, monoplotting, 3Dto2D projection or importing a 2D points via Right Click on image icon, popup menu, Import 2D Points, a 2D points icon will appear as a sub-node of the according image icon on the Barista thumbnail view.

2D Point icons:Inline Graphik, Inline Graphik, Inline
Graphik Inline Graphik

Double Click on the 2D point icon opens a 2D point table in the Barista workspace.


XYPoint table

Right Click on the 2D point icon opens a 2D point icon popup menu with the following options:


2D point node popup menu

Set/unset Active toggles the display of the corresponding image view: all points contained in a 2D Point node declared to be "active" will be displayed in the image view, whereas points contained in an inactive 2D Point node will not be displayed. An active 2D point node is hightlighted in green and displayed on the image view. An inactive 2D point node is white and can be activated via the 2D point node popup menu. The 2D point node for the monoplotted points will not change its appearance on the thumbnail view. Change Sigma from the 2D point icon opens a Change XY Sigma dialog, which sets the point sigmas of all 2D points of this 2D point node to the values entered in the dialog box. Changing the sigmas of single points or a selection of points is possible through the Right Click popup option of a XY point table. Deleting of single points or a selection of points is also possible via the XY point table. The sigmas of single points can also be directly edited in the corresponding cells. In addition it is possible to edit the point label via the label column.


Change XY sigmas

Write Image Point Chips from the 2D point popup menu will open a dialog to set options for writing image chips.

To Thumbnail View
