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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ThumbNodeAffine

Affine Node

An Affine node can be created in two ways. Either it is a result of a successful Compute Forward Affine, where the Affine parameters are determined in a single image orientation, can be started from the image node popup menu. Requirements to Compute Forward Affine are measured image coordinates of a sufficient number (8 parameters) of control points. Alternatively a set of existing parameters can be imported from a text file.

After importing Affine parameters via Right Click on image icon, popup menu, Import Affine, an Affine icon will appear as a subnode of the according image icon on the Barista thumbnail view.

Affine node icon: Inline Graphik, Affine node as current sensor model: Inline

Double Click on the Affine icon opens an Affine table in the Barista workspace.


Affine table

Right Click on the Affine icon opens an Affine icon popup menu with the following options:


Affine node popup menu

Using the item Set Affine to current sensor model will set the Affine node to the current sensor model of the image node. By default, the current sensor model will be used for all Barista functions involving a sensor model, e.g. orthophoto generation or monoplotting. The current sensor model of an image node will be highlighted by a red frame.

To Thumbnail View
