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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ThumbNodeRPC

RPC Node

Importing of RPC (Rational Polynomial Coefficients) parameters from IKONOS RPC or QuickBird RPB files generates RPC nodes. After importing RPC parameters via Right Click on image icon, popup menu, Import RPCs, a RPC icon will appear as a sub node of the according image icon on the Barista thumbnail view. After importing the RPCs from a file, the sigmas of the bias parameters is set to Shift. For information about the four different modes None, Shift, Shift+Drift, Affine, bias correction and bundle adjustment see the section RPCBundle.

RPC node icon: Inline Graphik, RPC node as current sensor model: Inline

Double Click on the RPC icon opens a RPC table in the Barista workspace. The RPC table shows the values of the parameter of the assigned RPC node.

Right Click on the RPC icon opens a RPC icon popup menu with the following options:


RPC node popup menu

Using the item Set RPCs to current sensor model will set the RPC node to the current sensor model of the image node. By default, the current sensor model will be used for all Barista functions involving a sensor model, e.g. orthophoto generation or monoplotting. The current sensor model of an image node will be highlighted by a red frame.

To Thumbnail View
