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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ThumbNodeXYZPolyline

XYZ Polyline Node

A XYZPolyline node is created as a result of Monoplotting option Monoplot Lines. There is one XYZ Polyline node in the Barista project, containing the list of xyzpolylines monoplotted on any image.

XYZPolyline node icon: Inline Graphik

Double Click on the XYZPolyline icon opens a XYZPolyline table in the Barista workspace:


XYZPolyline table

Right Click on the XYZPolyline icon opens a XYZPolyline icon popup menu with the following options:


XYZPolyLines node popup menu

The XYZPolylines can be exported as text files, in the VRML format specification VRML1.0, or as POLYLINE entities in a DXF file. Deleting of single lines or a selection of lines is possible via the XYZ polyline table via the Right Click popup menu. In addition, it is possible to edit the line label via the label column.

To Thumbnail View
