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BaristaSource / UserGuide / Toolbar

The Barista Toolbar

The Barista toolbar gives access to three groups of functions:

  • Barista Project Management
  • Barista Digitizing Modes
  • Barista View Modes


Toolbar buttons

Barista Project Management

The first three buttons on the Barista Toolbar can be used for basic project management, offering tools for creating new projects, opening existing projects, and saving the current project. These buttons are shortcuts to the respective items of the File Menu:

Barista Digitizing Modes

These buttons will switch Barista into a digitizing mode, and they will remain highlighted. Selecting the highlighted button again will terminate the corresponding digitizing mode. A digitizing mode gives every mouse click and every keyboard a specific meaning, which results in Barista taking specific actions, such as digitizing a point, zooming in or out, or monoplotting a geometric entity:

Barista View Modes

  • Toggle Geo Link Mode Inline Graphik

When Geo Link Mode is active all zooming and panning actions will be executed in all open image and DEM views which must have active sensor models or TFW information. The first zooming or panning action will centre all open views to the centre of the currently active view with the zooming level of this active view. All further actions in the active view will readjust the centre position of all other open views and if changed, the level of zoom. Barista does not consider the image resolution. All images will just have the same zoom factor.

  • Opens a 3D view. (not available in current version) Inline Graphik

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