could clustering use label() from scipy.ndimage instead of scikit-image?

Issue #34 resolved
Thomas Gilgenast created an issue

there is a function for labeling connected components in scipy:

this would allow us to drop an optional dep (scikit-image) which must be installed via wheel on windows iirc

this would also allow us to keep only one version of each clustering function, as opposed to the current system which has two separate versions for each function

Comments (1)

  1. Thomas Gilgenast reporter

    fixes #34

    removed scikit-image - no longer referenced in install docs - no longer used in two_way_thresholding() - removed from extras_require

    removed _slow() versions of cluster counting and size thresholding functions - "fast" versions use scipy and are guaranteed to import correctly

    cluster counting step now skips '' and 'background' clusters - these will no longer show up in the output of count_clusters()

    threshold tool now always prints cluster counts - it is not possible to disable cluster counting via the tool - it can only be done via a kwarg on the function that is not exposed in the command line tool

    → <<cset d0859af812d2>>

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