Game crash on start level 3

Issue #493 resolved
Karim Kanso created an issue

After completing the first two levels, I am presented with screen before the 3rd level. After clicking on the arrow to start level 3 the game crashes/seg faults.

Experienced on the version available from Steam and verified by compiling from source (commit id: c43b30cbd134f57f85a4b3237ce1b2b0a29e4e8e)


Ubuntu 14.04

$ uname -a Linux kazza-sony 3.13.0-39-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 28 13:30:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Comments (15)

  1. victor sosa

    Thanks for all the info, the issue is that the user can select continue without selecting the next mission map. so in this method parameter bool OC3::isLoadableFileExtension( const std::string& filename ) the filename is empty.

  2. victor sosa

    @dalerank do you want to add a dialog box to prevent the user to continue without select one mission map or just by default select one city so this couldn't happen?

  3. victor sosa

    the issue is still happen, like I told you, you need to add a dialog box to prevent the user to continue without select one mission map or just by default select one city so this couldn't happen

  4. dalerank repo owner

    it was exception when i try manually check extension (see crash log) onload mission, also fix it. in third mission player need to select peace/war next mission.

  5. victor sosa

    That's the issue "in third mission player need to select peace/war next mission." the user can click on next button without click on the mission first.

  6. dalerank repo owner

    from log

    1. Load briefing SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/missions/mission3.briefing //start trace

    2. some actions prepare for leve

    3. try loading capua.sav <--- this we have exception with old condition

    4. SIGABRT: abort() called somewhere in the program. //fatal error

    5. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ : std::__throw_out_of_range(char const)+0x67 //what happened*

    6. /caesaria.linux : game::loader::OC3::isLoadableFileExtension(std::string const&)+0x38 //where happened

  7. victor sosa

    Exactly out of range when the string parameter which is the file name is 0, because the user never selected the peace/war and just press next, I can duplicate the issue live if you want me to.

  8. Karim Kanso reporter

    just tried on 99f42b1f35f5133603c3007a3c9b43b6bfaa64f7

    now does not segfault, however, instead simply returns to the main menu and game progress is lost (apart from autosaves)

    I agree with victor, the ui should support the user, either through a dialog, or by disabling the continue button until a mission has been selected. Perhaps there could be some text "Select a mission".

  9. victor sosa

    Actually I just used the last build and It didn't crash, but it send you to the main menu, without telling you why.


    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/missions/mission3.briefing
    Window was removed
    Game: try load from 
    Game: reseting variables
    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/relations.model
    CityServices: create Migration
    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/migration.model
    CityServices: create WorkersHire
    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/workershire.model
    CityServices: create ProsperityRating
    CityServices: create Shoreline
    CityServices: create Info
    CityServices: create CultureRating
    CityServices: create Animals
    CityServices: create Religion
    CityServices: create Festival
    CityServices: create roads
    CityServices: create Fishery
    CityServices: create Disorder
    CityServices: create requests
    CityServices: create Military
    CityServices: create audio_player
    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/sound_themes.model
    CityServices: create HealthCare
    CityServices: create Peace
    CityServices: create Sentiment
    CityServices: create Fire
    Game: Cannot find file 
    Game: init empire start options
    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/worldmap.c3
    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/cities.c3
    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/empire_objects.c3
    ObjectsFactory: cannot create empire object from type null
    ObjectsFactory: cannot create empire object from type null
    ObjectsFactory: cannot create empire object from type null
    ObjectsFactory: cannot create empire object from type null
    ObjectsFactory: cannot create empire object from type null
    ObjectsFactory: cannot create empire object from type null
    ObjectsFactory: cannot create empire object from type null
    ObjectsFactory: cannot create empire object from type null
    Game: try find loader
    GameLoader: not found loader for ./
    LOADING ERROR: can't load game from 
    Briefing: cant load file
    game: exec switch to screen 1
    ScreenMenu: initialize start
    SaveAdapter: try load model from ./resources/gui/startmenu.gui
  10. dalerank repo owner

    i see strange path ./resources, where it? usually after compile cmake create caesaria-test directory where place all artifacts

  11. victor sosa


    [vns@localhost caesaria-test]$ ls
    caesaria.linux  mirrors.txt  resources  stable_info.txt  stdout.txt  updater.linux  version_info.txt
    [vns@localhost caesaria-test]$ cd resources/
    [vns@localhost resources]$ ls
    animations.c3           build_menu.model  construction.c3       freeplay.model  house.c3           mars_wrath.model  pantheon.model         shaders              walker.c3
    animations.model        carts.c3          construction.model    FreeSerif.ttf   house.model        migration.model   ranks.model            smk                  walker.model
    archives.model          carts.model       ds-greece.ttf         gfx             language.model     missions          relations.model        sound_themes.model   workershire.model
    audio                   cities.c3         emblems.model         gifts.model     layers_opts.model  names.model       remake.model           test_emperor.model   worldmap.c3
    basic_animations.c3     cities.model      emperors.model        gui             locale             offsets.c3        settings.model         test_request.model   worldmap.model
    basic_animations.model  climate.c3        empire_objects.c3     help            logger.model       offsets.model  theater_shows.model
    build_menu.c3           climate.model     empire_objects.model  hotkeys.model   maps               opengl.model      sg2.model              tutorial
    [vns@localhost resources]$ cd ..

    I think you missing the point, please contact me on skype.

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