Things That Need Testing - Part 1

Issue #103 open
Tokyo Panda created an issue

Opening this ticket for validation of things that were posted that need to be test from the What Needs Testing & Feedback wiki page.

  1. The EasterEgg game is untested. But good luck finding it! =)

    1. I was not able to find this Easter Egg. I have spent a lot of time trying but am unable to test this.
  2. Language Replacement (I.E. Using a Western language with the Eastern app. This is now applied by default, FYI.)

    1. When running the N64 NSO 18+ prior to creating my CaVE Database, the language in the app was all in Japanese. Once I created the CaVE Database and synced, the N64 18+ NSO displayed English text in the NSO.
  3. Automatic updates (Currently the latest SNES/SFC v3.6 + Genesis/Mega Drive v2.6 updates are set to use this feature, and can no longer be obtained without it)

    1. Works great. Been using this for some time. The only thing to note here is that the download can take a bit especially if there are multiple updates. But if you let it do what it needs to do it works with no issues.
  4. Semi-automatic Locale selection. (Pop up that shows when your don't have a settings file or a locale set. I.E. New user)

    1. I downloaded a fresh CaVE Beta to simulate a new user. When launching CaVE for the first time I am prompted with the locale confirmation:

      If you select “Yes”, it continues with your selection. Just for testing, I selected “No” and was presented with the following message:

      When I hit “no” it still set it as English (United States). Not sure if there was supposed to be a selection at this screen or not. But overall the locale detection was spot on. I was just testing to see what happens if I said “No”.

Comments (8)

  1. iiTzSamurai

    #3 works great for me. Like Toyo says, if you let it do what cave needs to do and be patient you will have no problems there!
    #4 I was also curious on this one…. I like buttons 😀 I got the same results as Tokyo

  2. Dark Akuma

    Just an FYI. The stuff listed on that section of the pages dont exactly need noted testing. The list is more to guide users focus on what area’s to test, since I have heard in the past “Id test things, but I have no idea what needs testing!”. The expect result of such testing is just… to get users testing those, and if they encounter a issue… then they could post it. But either way, I do welcome hearing that things are working. Feedback is feedback!

    English is the default locale, as there needs to be one. So if you use a English US windows locale, yes or no will have the same result. The popup is more for other locales.

  3. snucker

    #2 did show the JP N64 18+ app as English after an empty DB sync. Adding one game seems to have caused the app to hang though.

  4. snucker

    #1 I don’t have time to fiddle around and try to find the easter egg. If I ever do stumble upon it I will share it though.
    #3 Automatic updates have been working well since I’ve updated to the December build
    #4 I get the same behavior as Tokyo, would be nice to see how this feature works for users without an English (US) Windows install

  5. Dark Akuma

    Just checked my 18+ app to make sure, and it has 2 custom games added. Boots fine.

    Maybe its the image issue? Where you selected a image that isn't actually a png, but is labeled as one?

    I'd recommend looking through all the possible causes of causing the app to hang like that, or bad/missing titlesdb info. I'm sure the cause is something I need to fix, but I’d need a LOT more info to begin to try and fix it. All I can do is try and reproduce a issue. And if I fail and things work fine for me… *shrug

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