URL Parameters are not being passed to modal

Issue #175 resolved
Ingo Marzolph created an issue


when a “URL Reccource” activity is added and the display mode is set to “embed” and the plugin settings is set to display those types in a modal window, the respective parameters are not passed to the iframe in the modal.

Since it works for all other display options but not for the modal, I am opening this new ticket.

Other cases reported in the following tickets seem to be resolved, but not the modal case.

Plugin Version:

Moodle Version: Moodle 4.0.2+

Comments (3)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Hi Ingo is it video URLs you have had an issue with. The code attempts to covert YouTube and Vimeo links to embed versions and this may need adjusting

  2. David Watson repo owner

    An improvement to the video URL processing went into today’s release and should help but let me know if not

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