Activity Completion in moodle 3.11

Issue #75 resolved
Gisele Brugger created an issue

with the release of moodle 3.11 there was a change in the way to show the user the activity completion criteria as described here:
In course format Tiles version : (2020080613) this view is not available on the course page as shown in the images below. (format tiles) (format topics) (format Grid)

But when the activity opens it is possible to view

Comments (7)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Hi Gisele I am working in a branch for Moodle 3.11 at present, I have not yet merged it back in to master or done a formal release so you will still be running the old code there

    If you’d like to test that’d be helpful thanks. I am just running some automated tests in Moodle 3.10 and 3.11 to see what they bring up. I can let you know when it’ll be reaady for you

  2. David Watson repo owner

    Thanks for testing! I made quite a few other changes so I will add it to as a release candidate initially to let others do some testing

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