Secret elevator floor sends player to secret level when inside secret level

Issue #316 resolved
Vaughn Hawks created an issue

Using a secret exit in Wolfenstein 3D while in Floor 10 makes it behave like a normal exit that sends you to the next map in DOSBox, but in ECWolf the secret exit sends you back to Floor 10.

Comments (3)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    Looks like Spear of Destiny’s handling is also wrong and is the expected Wolf3D behavior there. So seem to be reversed if I’m reading the source code correctly.

  2. Braden Obrzut

    Fixed secret exit handling in Wolf3D and Spear of Destiny (fixes #316) - Wolf3D's secret levels should always send the player back - An exit in a boss level is treated like a secret level in Wolf3D - Spear of Destiny secret exits should restart the current map (except the intended levels of course) - Spear of Destiny exits on floor 18 should act like any other boss level (still broken due to technical issue) - Exiting floor 21 of Spear of Destiny should also act like a secret/boss level and send player to non-existant MAP22 (crashes vanilla even if a map exists, this is still broken for same technical issue as last point) This change may break map sets depending on old MAPINFO

    → <<cset 601d5b2a0f12>>

  3. Braden Obrzut

    Should have the level progression fixed for Wolf3D and Spear of Destiny in the 1.5 branch. Not back porting to 1.4 since it may break map sets and I don’t think it’s a major enough issue to warrant a mid cycle break.

    Spear of Destiny’s progression is limited by technical issues discussed in issue #277.

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