Fixing WRITE statements for MoL scalars

Issue #2650 resolved
Samuel Cupp created an issue

MoL implicitly sets the region when declaring the WRITES for its scalars. However, the default WRITE region for PreSync is currently ‘interior’, while scalars can only be written ‘everywhere'. This means that PreSync attempts to call SyncGroups and ApplyBCs on the scalar variables. It doesn’t actually do anything, as there’s no registered BCs and syncing a scalar does nothing. Still, there are quite a few empty function calls due to this. The WRITE statements in MoL should explicitly state ‘everywhere’, at least until PreSync is capable of automatically setting the WRITES of scalars to ‘everywhere’.

I’ve made these changes, and the associated pull request is here.

Comments (4)

  1. Samuel Cupp reporter

    I have tested this branch, and it does stop the incorrect behavior. I support merging this fix in once the various comments on the PR are resolved.

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