Modify dependency of Gazebo Plugin to ignition::rndf

Issue #155 resolved
Agustin Alba Chicar created an issue

Move the code back to use ignition::rndf so we can set a baseline with Drake and avoid dependencies issues.

Comments (10)

  1. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    Changed summary just for the record:

    • Moved the dependency from manifold to ignition-rndf (tag 0.1.5)
    • Moved the code to be compliant with ignition-transport 3. This change affects the Creators.
    • Moved the code in DynamicRender to be compliant with ignition-rndf. Strong refactor here, basically we move the code back to this commit .

    Still need to work on:

    • Need to review code in next commits to see if we're missing something now.
    • Need to transform the handler that sends messages to the road_plugin.
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