Improve RoadCreator class to support multiple geometries

Issue #175 open
Agustin Alba Chicar created an issue

RoadMap structure

This issue has been transformed to the following description. We should provide a RoadCreator class that supports multiple geometries. For doing so, I propose a RoadMap structure like the following:

  • RoadMap: base and parent class that holds the complete road structure.
  • Road: a road keeps multiple lanes may go in the same direction or not. Just a container for the time being.
  • Lane: is a constant width path, parametrized a Curve object that should provide a baseline path.

On the other hand, we need to provide a base Curve and SplineCurve classes to support a specific geometry. RoadCreator will need to be compliant with a Lane so it can load it.

[Old issue] Improve RoadCreator class to support multiple geometries

We need to improve the RoadCreator class to support multiple geometries, such as Splines and Bezier (see issue #174) to make better use of the API.

Parent issue: #172

Comments (9)

  1. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    We propose the creation of new entities. We already have some like:

    • LaneTermination
    • Junction

    We will add some new entities:

    • Curve
    • --> SplineCurve
    • --> BezierCurve
    • Lane

    And then the lane will consume a Curve, so it will be simpler to change the inner implementation. Providing a Curve that will match the API will be enough to change the geometry of the lane.

    Here we propose two frames, one which will be called global (x,y,z) isotropic frame and another isotropic frame that will be on the curve trajectory (s,r,h). The former will be consumed from outside, and the latter will be the necessary to locate a point over the curve. Curves objects should provide a path length method (so we can consume in terms of s instead of the curve parametrization).

    We will do implementations of Spline and then in future issues for Bezier curves.

  2. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    After a brief update on the code to validate the approach we got the following:


    Apparently the only issue is the following:


    It is important to say that Bezier for connections are still no being implemented. On the other hand, for splines, just a brief conversion from s to t is being made (t = s / spline.ArcLength()).

  3. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    RoadCreators should be changed. Besides, we need to create a new class to hold the lanes:

    • Road

    And from it, we will create another one to hold all the Roads:

    • RoadMap

    These primitives will just work as containers for the scope of this issue.

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